Best Indoor Plants

Best Indoor Plants

best houseplants

It probably goes without saying that caring for and growing houseplants is the easiest, most affordable way to bring the life-giving nature into your home. Smart houseplants not only beautify your interior with organic foliage and natural colors, but can also help improve the air quality around you.

Not only that, most of these plants are easy to care for. Even if you don’t consider yourself to be someone with a green thumb, they are sure to do well in your home. And since there are so many houseplants to choose from that are good for your home, here are fail-safe recommendations from ours Decorators.

African violets

easy-care houseplants

If you want to add brilliant colors to your living environment, African violets are a good choice. This plant produces attractive purple flowers that will add value to your interior.

African violets are also some of the best houseplants that require some maintenance. You only need to water them once a week. Avoid splashing water on the leaves as this can cause water spots.

Aloe vera


These succulents may have spiky, pointed leaves that might deter you from growing, but the aloe vera is actually one of the easiest houseplants to grow indoors. Depending on the strain you want to grow, aloe vera can grow up to 3 feet tall and can have a huge impact on your interior space.

Aloe Vera, like other succulents, grows in dry soil. So avoid frequent watering for the best results.

Areca palm

Areca palm house plants

If you dream of bringing a tropical feel to your home, an areca palm is one of the best houseplants to consider. This plant can grow up to 3 meters tall and add a dramatic touch to your interior.

If you want the plant to stay smaller, grow it in a smaller pot. Areca palms can thrive in indirect light. Just make sure the soil is a little dry and watery for the next few weeks.


Begonia house plants

Begonias are the best houseplants to grow if you want to add bold hues to your interior. These houseplants come in many different foliage patterns and colors.

The best thing about begonias is that they require occasional watering and even less water in winter.


Bromeliad house plants

Bromeliad belongs to the same family as the pineapple and is guaranteed to last a long time, even with minimal care. These types of house plants do well in a temperature of around 70 degrees.

Bromeliads are also very colorful and grow in a unique way. After a while, the plant produces puppies that would replace its original plant, which explains why it is long-lasting.

Christmas cactus

Christmas cactus house plants

If you want to add a bit of holiday joy to your living space, a Christmas cactus is the best plant to consider. These succulents don’t require a lot of water to grow, so they’re best for busy homeowners who don’t have the luxury of looking after their plants.

In addition, these tiny houseplants produce various shades of beautiful flowers, from white, pink to red and purple.

Chinese periwinkle

evergreen houseplants

Chinese periwinkle, also known as Cutlass Aglaonema, grows best in indirect sunlight, which makes it a great choice for indoor plants. Additionally, it can thrive in rooms with little light and high or low humidity.

In fact, Chinese periwinkle could even grow under artificial light.

Crown of thorns

Crown of thorns houseplants

These small houseplants come from Madagascar. As a succulent plant, the crown of thorns doesn’t need a lot of water to grow. It’s not picky either. Even if you haven’t grown a plant yet, anyone can grow this plant.

In addition, it produces beautiful flowers all year round. This makes them the best houseplants to breathe life into your home.


best houseplants

The leaves of these houseplants can be up to a foot long. That makes it a great choice for a houseplant if you want to add a tropical feel to your home decor.

Dieffenbachia can do well in a room with normal temperature and prefers an evenly moist soil. For best results, place the plant in a location with poor to medium light.

English ivy

English ivy house plants

When it comes to interior decoration with plants, English Ivy is often a favorite among designers because, unlike other indoor plants, this plant exudes a timeless elegance.

In addition, it can be set off perfectly from shelves and table tops. Ivy thrives in moist soils and at a cooler room temperature of 50 to about 70 degrees.


Ficus house plants

These types of houseplants produce glossy leaves that add shine to any interior space. The stems can also be braided for a nice topiary effect. Since a ficus needs full sun or bright, filtered light, it can grow well on a patio or next to a huge window.

Most ficus varieties can survive in dry soil for several days too, so you don’t really have to water them regularly.

Violin reed Fig

Violin leaf fig house plants

A violin leaf fig is great for homes with high ceilings and minimal floor space. This houseplant may be tall, but it’s not too bushy and produces dark green, waxy leaves.

It needs medium light to grow and does not need to be watered until the soil is dry.


Houseplants made of iron

The iron plant is one of the best types of houseplants to grow in an area that receives little light. Additionally, it can grow in poor soil and requires less water, making it one of the best houseplants for busy homeowners.

The deep green leaves of the iron plant also provide a breathtaking splash of color in your living space.

Jade plant

Jade houseplants

Another succulent that works well as houseplants is the jade plant. These tiny houseplants produce thick and lush leaves that are visually pleasing. They also look great in a small pot, especially when paired with other succulents.

The best thing about jade plants is that they don’t require a lot of water to thrive, which means you don’t have to put a lot of effort into maintaining and caring for these houseplants.


Lavender houseplants

The lavender might not be a popular choice for indoor plants, but these tiny houseplants can add a touch of color to your space while freshening the air. In fact, these houseplants can act as air fresheners.

It does well in bright light, so it’s best to place it next to a south-facing window that allows plenty of natural light to enter.

Happy bamboo

Bamboo houseplants

One of the best ways to add green to the darker areas of your home is to grow a happy bamboo plant. These tiny houseplants can do well in low and indirect sunlight.

In addition, it can add a great sense of zen and feng shui to your home. These plants grow in water and you only need to change the water every two to four weeks.

Peace lily

Peace Lily houseplants

The peace lily is perhaps one of the most popular types of houseplants, and it’s easy to see why. It produces beautiful curved white flowers with dark leaves that look really attractive.

Since the peace lily prefers to grow in low humidity and little light, it can thrive in rooms with few windows.


Pothos houseplants

When it comes to the best indoor plants for clean air, the pothos is often high on the list. This is because this plant contains air-purifying properties that absorb and remove toxins from the air, including formaldehyde, which is common in carpets.

These houseplants also do well in a wide variety of lighting conditions, although low light can decrease the variety of foliage. Let the soil dry between waterings.

Snake plant

Snake houseplants

The snake plant is another popular choice for homeowners who love to grow house plants. These house plants have variegated leaves that are just growing, and some varieties also have white or yellow edges.

In rare cases, the plant also produces tiny white flowers. It can do well in a variety of lighting conditions, although it prefers that the air be somewhat dry, as does the soil.

Spider plant

Spider house plants

Spider plants are a type of houseplants that look unusual and can definitely add visual interest to any room. They come in several varieties and look great when displayed as hanging plants.

These houseplants get along well with evenly moist soil and in bright or medium light conditions.

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