Pink Sofa

Pink Sofa

pink sofa trend

So we know what you’re thinking. Or we can introduce ourselves. After all, a pink sofa doesn’t seem like the most subtle design choice. But if you keep the rest of the room pretty neutral, it may just be that bright pop of color a room needs. We don’t advocate an exaggerated girl look. The trick is to choose a sofa with clean lines and a modern shape to balance out the feminine color. Still skeptical? Check out our slideshow below for the proof.

Above: The sustainable sofa from Series 5 by Kalon Studio in light pink

Pink sofa styling

pink sofa styling

The tweed fabric and graphic black and white throw prevent this pink sofa from feeling too feminine. About Decor8

Tufted in pink

pink tufted sofa

Light pink sofa

pink velvet sofa

Scandinavian modern pink sofa

Scandinavian modern pink sofa

Light pink love seat

pale pink sofa

Light pink cut

pale pink cut

Light pink sofa

pink loveseat throw pillow