Decorating Bedside Table

Decorating Bedside Table

nice alarm clock

At the moment your alarm goes off in the morning? Yes, it probably isn’t the best part of your day. But when you turn around and see a beautifully designed bedside table? That makes it better. (At least a little.) Find out how to create a dreamy space that will make sure you never wake up on the wrong side of the bed.

Pictured: Nightstand from our NYC apartment redesign.

Keep it symmetrical

off-white bed linen

Bedside tables look best in matching pairs, preferably with an identical lamp each. That doesn’t mean everything has to be exactly the same on the tables, but the symmetry creates a cohesive, polished look. Remodel picture of our Upper East Side condo.

Contain the clutter

black bedside table

Your nightstand isn’t the place for stacks of papers and books or, worse, stacks of used glasses and dishes. Keep the surface clear except for a few carefully selected elements. So unless you’re a neat or minimalist type, go for bedside tables with drawers so you can keep the unnecessary out of sight. (If you don’t look at the mess right before bed, you can sleep better.) Image about home therapy

Add some life

cheerful mint bedside table flowers

It is undeniably happy to wake up with fresh flowers. That doesn’t mean you have to invest in weekly bouquets – even a single, delicate stem in a bud vase will make your space feel special. If flowers aren’t your thing, a simple potted succulent will be enough to spice up your nightstand. Image via the Decorista

Drink enough

Bedside table with drinking glass

Swap the bottle or glass that you keep next to your bed for an elegant glass carafe and mug. This is a must for guest rooms too – be sure to put one on the bedside table before visitors arrive. Image via Kinfolk

Update the alarm clock

Bed with alarm clock

Sure, you likely wake up to a chime you chose from a list of options on your smartphone. Nobody suggests throwing your phone away, but try adding an infinitely more sophisticated, lower-tech option like a classic (non-digital) alarm clock. Waking up is more comfortable when you’re not watching the seconds go by until your snooze time is up. Picture from our project in New York Magazine

Make it inspirational

inspiring bedside table

Your bedside table is the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you look at before you go to sleep. That’s why you should include things that inspire you. Whether it’s a beautiful art book, a box of treasure, a framed quote, or a beloved photo, highlight some things that you love. Image via Style Curator