Yellow Accents

Yellow Accents

Yellow sofa

The color of sunshine, lemons, and daffodils, yellow is a bright, luscious shade that can add a touch of joy to any room. A hit from yellow can go a long way, so we prefer to use the color sparingly as a bright accent. It’s the perfect color for lightening upholstery or even drawing attention to architectural details like doors or window frames. It may take a little guts to start with such a bright color, but once you see how far a little yellow can go, you’ll be amazed!

Yellow sofa

yellow velvet sofa leather armchair

By keeping the other furniture in this loft neutral, the yellow sofa can really take center stage. About Home Adore

Yellow canvas painting

large yellow painting bedroom

Yellow door

bright yellow door

Yellow painted window frame

yellow painted windowsill

Yellow French chairs

yellow Louis XVI gray wall

Yellow dining room chairs

yellow upholstered dining room chairs

Yellow trailer attachment

yellow ceiling pendant Pop of Color