Urban Landscaping

Urban Landscaping

Plants in the stairwell

Although Decor Aid’s expertise lies in interior design, we enjoy a bit of urban design. An outside area (no matter how small!) Or the feeling of being inside is a crucial element for a balanced lifestyle. The pictures collected below show a lot of green with an allusion to the interior functions.

Indoor facility display

green plants on the stairs

At Snog Studios, lush plants stand under a skylight that gives Faith Blakeney the feel of a courtyard.

Custom bench landscaping

Outdoor seating made of raw wood

Interior design

Greenery landscaping walkway

Trimmed grass terrace

modern white chaise longue

Wooden bench in outdoor dining area

Outdoor dining area with wooden bench

Urban potted plants display

Escaped potted flowers in fire

New York City Highline

Highline Landscaping New York City

  • Tags: planturban landscape